At Erie County Chiropractic, we provide a comprehensive clinical evaluation and detailed consultation, utilizing state-of-the-art techniques, to correctly diagnosis each patient’s spinal condition, and to formulate a strategic treatment plan individualized for their needs. Our first priority is to LISTEN, and consider each patient’s unique history, physical condition, lifestyle, and treatment goals.
Each treatment plan focuses first and foremost on gentle, effective chiropractic spinal adjustment techniques, and may also include massage therapy, specialist referral, rehabilitation advice including stretching, strengthening, and stabilization exercise, diet and nutritional counseling, ergonomic advice for the home and workplace, as well as lifestyle modifications that help each patient cope with the effects of spinal injury, with sensitivity to each patient’s unique goals of treatment. In addition, our goal for each patient remains a return to all the activities they enjoy, from work to recreation, as quickly and safely as possible, as well as the prevention of future complications.
We provide chiropractic treatment to families and individuals of all ages, from children to athletes and seniors. Common symptoms and conditions that one might seek chiropractic treatment for include neck and back pain, headaches, and numbness/tingling of the extremities as these relate to sports injuries, auto-accident injuries, work injuries, repetitive stress injuries, and others.

Work Injuries
All of our doctors of chiropractic are New York State Workers’ Compensation certified; therefore, no referral is needed when seeking care. Studies have shown work injuries to be the number one cause for low productivity and lost time from work. On the job injuries cost companies millions of dollars per year.
Work-place injuries generally fall into one of two categories; acute injury resulting from a single traumatic incident or cumulative-trauma disorders, commonly known as repetitive-stress injuries. Acute, traumatic injuries in the work-place often involve slips and falls, accidents that occur lifting or moving a weight, or twisting of the neck or back. Repetitive-stress injuries occur when abnormal stresses are repeatedly placed on normal joints by poor posture or poor joint position during the performance of a task. Many of these stresses are caused by poor workstation design and/or repetitive task performance. In addition, poor posture at the workstation can be detrimental. For example, prolonged use of a computer or a mouse, particularly when the work area is not designed well, can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome and/or neck and arm pain.
Many modern product manufacturers are designing their products ergonomically, blending form with function. Such products fit the worker’s actions while on the job and make tasks safer and easier to perform.
As part of the treatment provided by our doctors of chiropractic for your acute or chronic injury, we can also help you find ways to minimize repetitive stress on the spine through ergonomics instruction. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to employee capabilities. An ergonomic assessment of the workplace critically appraises the physical work environment—followed by changes based on the assessment. Ergonomic principles are then used to make the workplace compatible with the employee, improving the employee’s safety and productivity. In other words, the easier it is to do a job physically, the more productive and happy the worker will be.

Automotive Accidents/Whiplash
Research studies have concluded that almost 33% of all people injured in motor vehicle accidents (MVA’s) seek treatment from doctors of chiropractic. Considering the National Safety Council (NSC) has determined that there are more than 12 million MVA’s each year involving more than 20 million vehicles, this is an impressive number seeking chiropractic care.
MVA’s result in injuries to the spine and soft tissues of the body commonly called Whiplash. Whiplash can also is a generic term applied to injuries of the neck caused when the neck or another joint of the body is suddenly and/or violently jolted in one direction and then another, creating a whip-like movement. Whiplash is most commonly seen in people involved in motor vehicle accidents, but it can also occur from falls, sports injuries, work injuries, and other incidents.
Whiplash injuries most often result in sprain-strain of the neck. The ligaments that help support, protect, and restrict excessive movement of the vertebrae are torn, which is called a sprain. The joints in the back of the spine, called the facet joints, are covered by ligaments called facet capsules, which seem to be particularly susceptible to whiplash injury.
In addition, the muscles and tendons are strained—stretched beyond their normal limits. The discs between the vertebrae, which are essentially ligaments, can be torn, potentially causing a disc herniation. The nerve roots between the vertebrae may also be stretched and become inflamed. Even though it is very rare, vertebrae can be fractured and/or dislocated in a whiplash injury.

Sports Injuries
Most sport’s related injuries are usually soft tissue injuries such as ligament sprains or muscle strains or both. These types of injuries respond very well to chiropractic care. Through the use of physical therapies such as, ice, heat, manual traction, massage, and stretching, your Chiropractor can ease the pain while in the initial stages of the injury. Then adjustments and a rehab program to increase range of motion and facilitate muscle strengthening should be incorporated. All of these things can help you return to sports with minimal time lost.

Research shows that spinal manipulation – the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck.
A report released in 2001 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, NC, found that spinal manipulation resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.
Also, a 1995 study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that spinal manipulative therapy is an effective treatment for tension headaches and that those who ceased chiropractic treatment after four weeks experienced a sustained therapeutic benefit in contrast with those patients who received a commonly prescribed medication.
Your doctor of chiropractic may do one or more of the following if you suffer from a headache:
- Perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system.
- Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of B complex vitamins.
- Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises and relaxation techniques. This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.

Neck And Back Pain
It has been estimated that up to 80% of North Americans will, at some point in their lives, suffer from the effects of debilitating back pain. Pain located in the neck or back can happen for many reasons. These include poor posture or ergonomics, injuries, stress/tension, daily wear & tear, hereditary weakness, excess weight, arthritis, and others. Your spine is comprised of spinal bones, called vertebrae, that stack in a column from your tailbone to the base of your skull, with a softer spinal disc in between in each pain of vertebrae. There are three normal curves to the spine. These offer support to the body in remaining upright, protecting the spinal cord and nerves, and allowing all of our natural movements of our head and extremities. If your spine and surrounding muscles lack flexibility, strength or alignment, there will be excessive pressure on joints, nerves and discs.
Your doctor of chiropractic looks at your overall health, focusing not only on your spine, but also many other factors to determine your overall clinical picture. To help identify the cause of your problem, you and your chiropractor will discuss your symptoms and previous injuries, your family’s health history, and your lifestyle, including recreational and work-related physical activities. As “blueprints” of your spine, x-rays can reveal misalignments, fractures, arthritis, hereditary malformations, or other problems. Additional test will be done, if necessary. Based on the examination and findings, your doctor of chiropractic may recommend an individualized treatment program to realign your neck and or back, relieve muscle spasms, restore motion, and reduce pain. If needed, your chiropractor will also consult with other medical specialist about your condition. This integrated approach helps determine the best treatment for your neck and back pain.

Numbness Or Tingling Of The Extremities
Many people suffer from sensations that include pain or numbness/tingling into the arms, hands, legs or feet. These symptoms can result from some very specific problems; acute injury to a nerve, a spinal injury that causes a misalignment or “subluxation”, a herniated or bulged spinal disc, poor circulation, or progressive disorders that impinge nerves including arthritis, spinal stenosis or narrowing of the nerve passageways, and degenerative disc disease that results in loss of disc height and elasticity. Stress and/or emotional tension can also cause pain to be experienced into the extremities.
Your doctor of chiropractic will perform an examination to accurately diagnosis the root cause of your symptoms. The treatment of each of these conditions is unique, and may require additional diagnostic testing.