What to Expect
When calling to schedule an appointment for the first-time, our Chiropractic Assistant may ask you a few general questions to help determine the type of appointment you’ll need on your first visit. Please plan on approximately one hour for your appointment, and this includes time for paperwork, etc.
On your first visit to our office, located on the elevator serviced and handicap-accessible 3rd floor of the beautiful Twain Towers commercial building, you will be warmly greeted as family. You will be escorted back to our Consultation Room, and asked to fill out our required forms which help us gain valuable information regarding your health history and current condition or concerns.
Here’s a run-down of your experience face-to-face with one of our highly-qualified chiropractors:
Chiropractic Examination
• After performing exams to locate the source of neck and back pain and asking questions about the symptoms and remedies you may have already tried, the doctor of chiropractic will do physical and neurological exams.
• The physical exam helps the doctor observe the patient’s posture, range of motion, and physical condition, noting movement that causes pain. The doctor will also feel the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine for muscle spasm and will note the curvature and alignment of the spine.
• During the neurological exam, your doctor will test your reflexes, muscle strength, other nerve changes, and pain spread.
• In some instances, diagnostic tests may be required. An X-ray can show narrowed disc space, fractures, bone spurs or arthritis. A Computerized Axial Tomography scan (CT or CAT scan) or a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) test can show bulging discs and herniations. If nerve damage is suspected, an electromyography (EMG) test will measure how quickly the nerves respond.
After the examination, your chiropractor will review his or her findings, and outline your proposed treatment plan. Your treatment plan will include both in-office therapies, modalities, and adjustments, as well as home-care recommendations, rehabilitative exercise instruction, and wellness tips.